A Relief on its Way!
Kal Sarp Yoga was affecting us since 24th February, 2020 but now we will be little bit relieved from Covid-19 pandemic as Sun will move away from the shadow of North Node, Rahu, falling on Gemini zodiac and will enter the fourth zodiac sign in Vedic astrology, Cancer, from 16th July, 2020.
After Sun, Mercury, will leave Ardra Nakshatra of North Node on 23rd July 2020 and enter Punarvasu Nakshatra thereby signalling the rehabilitation and recovery process. The transit of Mercury to Cancer zodiac on 2nd August, 2020, it will remain there till 17th August, 2020. This will strengthen the process of logical thinking and step by step relief from Corona spread.
Saturn will be in direct opposition from Capricorn on 20th July, 2020 and will cast 7th aspect on Sun, that will transit to Cancer, and will also be Dakshinayan . Though Saturn and Sun represent masses and rulers and their opposition means a conflict between the two. But these conflicts will end as Sun will move to its zodiac Leo making rulers indulge in noble acts and revolution. They will stand by the ideas and beliefs they have faith in.
Astrologers predict Corona spread and its curtailment by calculating the different alignment and transits of planets. But no one can be exact about the time when the vaccine will be found as there are many other factors in play that are responsible for the effect of pandemic. All the events gradually contribute towards the situation.
Astrologers do not have a magical wand and one should not expect wonder from them. They can guide and suggest you the remedial steps and preventive measures by reading your stars but they cannot change your past karmas. Similarly they can predict the general intensity of Corona but not the specific time and date.
Based on the positions of Sun, Saturn and Mercury, I can say that those who were affected from Corona infection from 1st to 4th July will start recovering soon.!