Astro manthan – Planetary updates for September 2021
Venus enters Libra – September 6 :
A perfect time to be romantic, fair –minded and communicative. Harmony in the relationships in the keyword but tries to maintain a balance. Party animals should spend within their means otherwise you might run out of budget.
Jupiter Venus exact aspect at 0 degrees – September 6:
Jupiter will be aspecting venus in Libra with its 9th aspect from Aquarius.Though,a harmonious aspect but weakness of Jupiter will not bring any good results .
Mars enters Virgo – September 6:
The warrior is all set to enter the sign of Virgo, the natural 6th houses of diseases and competition. There will a focus on keeping the body fit with various exercise regimes such as Yoga and Aerobic etc.
Jupiter retrograde back in Capricorn – September 14:
The planet of luck and fortune Jupiter will retrograde back in the sign of Capricorn .Jupiter will be a fallen planet; retrograde and debilitated too which is not a good sign of global peace and virus spread.
Sun enters Virgo: Sep 17:
The king of the solar system Sun will enter the sign of Virgo where it will showcase its skills and proficiency in administration. This is a more practical sun that will focus on minute details .A good time to get a healing or start a medication too.
Jupiter Mercury exact aspect: Sep 21:
The retrograde Jupiter in its debilitated sign is aspecting the sign of mercury, the planet of trade and commerce. There might be crisis in stock markets and business in general. The financial institutions might face a setback with this aspect.
Mercury enters Libra: Sep 22:
Mercury, the planet of communications will enter the sign of love and relationships,Libra.Business and trade will be in limelight. Communication will be the key to break relationship barriers and helpful in making conducive environment in home and at work.
Mercury Retrograde in Libra: Sep 27:
The karaka for communications getting retrograde can result in complex issues and fights due to mis-communication.Pay lot of attention of contract papers and deeds before signing as legal written contracts might be faulty and you have to pay heavy price afterwards.