China is one of the world super-power run by communist party of China. The country has gained much limelight due to coronavirus outbreak in the country last November. Today the majority of World countries have ordered lockdown as coronavirus has spread like fire to all parts of Globe. As we can see that Recession is near and global death rate is rising, the world wants to know why china didn’t take major steps to save world from this crisis. China has always been in news due to its intense policies, secrecy in media and role in international trade. Let’s have a look in the history of China that how it leads the world in International trade and technology.
China’s birth chart has Capricorn rising ascendant with moon in the ascendant only. Ascendant Lord Saturn is in 8th house and in enemy sign LEO. Therefore, the ascendant lord is weak in lagna chart and China faces major challenges in the beginning. But Saturn is exalted in Navamsa chart which gives it enormous strength. After the first Saturn return, China changed its strategies and seeds of economic growth were sown. Mars is debilitated in 7th house directly aspecting the ascendant. It shows that China will always strive to rise in Global trade and business. No matter what, business will be most important for them always. We also need to understand that Moon is the nakshatra lord of lagna and being placed in lagna only, the chart becomes all-powerful to give results. Also Venus is a yoga karaka planet for this chart. It is placed in own 10th house i.e. Libra which is highly favorable to give results in business and profession.
Jupiter is not a yoga karaka planet for Capricorn ascendant as it gets debilitated in lagna. Also, it is a lord of 3rd and 12th house. It is posited in 12th house in the chart. This house represents diseases and losses. When Coronavirus pandemic hit the earth hard, many heavy planets such as Saturn, Ketu and Jupiter were in the 12th house of china’s horoscope. The problem become more severe when the ascendant lord Saturn transit exactly on 12th lord Jupiter.Also,ketu the karaka for viruses is also transiting its 12th house of diseases and hospitals.
China was going through the 1st charan of Sade-sati of Saturn during the outbreak of pandemic. Now it is going through the 2nd charan currently. Therefore, it can lead to great frustrations in the life of Chinese people. Economy will slow down for next 2 years and China needs to work very hard to maintain its current status in Global trade. It is also not a good time for international relations.
China was going through Saturn mahadasha till last year. Saturn is the ascendant lord and therefore its mahadasha was highly favorable for CHINA. But now it is going through the mahadasha of mercury. Mercury is lord of 6th and 9th house for this horoscope. Therefore, it can be treated as neutral planet. Also, the nakshatra lord of the chart is moon which doesn’t go well with mercury. Therefore, in the upcoming time, China cannot see the same unprecedented progress that it has witnessed in past all years. Mercury is conjunct sun (8th lord) in 9th house which is again not a promising placement. We can firmly say that one sided dominance of china on international trade will cease and it can face stiff competition in coming days.
China may face huge disturbances in international relations with other countries. China’s belt and road initiative (BRI) is an ambitious programme that connects Asia with Africa and Europe along six corridors with view to increase international trade is also in danger. Very likely, China may lose support from many countries and face difficulties in completion of this corridor.
In the coming time, many countries will separate themselves from this project. Let us assume, if China has spread this Coronavirus, then it will be informal start of Third World War.You will also find In the near time, the distance and hostility from the world of China will also increase.
At end, I wish to conclude that China will not be able to sail smoothly through difficult economic and social challenges in coming future. The overall growth rate might slow down too. China has to work hard for maintaining its status quo in international markets.