Know which Hora is good for which activity

According to vedic astrology, starting from sunrise to sunset every hour has its own importance based on the planet that rules that hour. Each hour is called a “hora” and according to the nature of the planet that rules the hora, you can determine the quality of that time period.
During Saturn hora you could experience delays and obstacles. But, if you’re aware of this it could be avoided through proper planning. It would wise to be extra cautious in your daily activities during Saturn hora. This is the best time to work hard and be disciplined. If you’re feeling uneasy or restless without any reason, then direct your energy towards something positive and constructive and this may help rid any negative feelings. Saturn hora is strong on Saturday.
Jupiter represents wisdom, knowledge, children, optimism, expansion, rituals, spirituality, wealth, creativity, etc. Jupiter’s hora is usually favorable for most activities. It is a great time for new beginnings, learning, business activities, getting or giving advice, philosophical discussions, travel, etc. It is wise to avoid negative thinking during this time. Jupiter hora is strong on Thursday.
Mars represents confidence, organizational ability, logical thinking, courage, adventure, physical activity, passion, ambitions, land, buildings, loans, brothers etc. This is a great time to exercise, win an argument, purchase land or buildings, buy and sell vehicles, engage in adventurous activities and sports, take out loans, interact with brothers, get involved in competitive activities, electrical and mechanical engineering work, etc. Avoid arguments during
Mars hora as this could aggravate the issue. Mars hora is strong on Tuesday and on Friday it can bring about extra happiness.
Sun is considered to be the “King” of the planet kingdom. It represents higher authorities,the government, our soul, leaders, our fathers, courage, etc. Therefore, Sun’s hora can be extremely beneficial if you want to get in touch with authoritative figures or leaders, ask for favors or send important emails, buy or sell anything, go on adventures, take on responsibilities or talk to your father or fatherly figures, etc. It can also be a good time to meditate and connect with the soul within you. Sun represents vitality and our life force, so taking medicines during Sun hora could lead to a quick healing.
Venus :
Venus hora is great for arts, music, romance, desires, emotions, material comfort, fun, prosperity, recreation, entertainment, buying clothes and jewelry and beauty related work, etc. Be aware of overindulging during this time. Venus hora is strong on Friday.
Mercury represents trade, communication, media, writing, printing, publishing, transport, telecommunication, mental work, errands, presentations, education, information, business etc. Mercury hora supports all of the above activities. However, when Mercury is in a difficult position in the sky or when it is retrograde, then we may have to take extra care in these activities during Mercury hora. Mercury hora can cause misunderstandings, so, be careful with your communication. Mercury hora is strong on Wednesday.
Moon :
Moon represents our mind, emotions, the feminine aspect of caring and nurturing, service, swiftness, creativity, sensitivity etc. This is a great time to approach people, nurture new ideas, move home, travel, indulge in food, focus on relationships and romance, serve elders, do creative work, etc. Be aware that Moon hora on Friday’s could make you overly emotional and sensitive. Moon hora is strong on Monday.