The COVID -19 pandemic mainly originated from China but it is actually given hard time to all countries across the globe. We have been giving astrological analysis since the start of the pandemic stating that Ketu’s transit through Mula is the reason behind the start of the pandemic. Later the solar eclipse in the Mula nakshatra led to worst effects during pandemic. Afflicted heavy planets such as Jupiter and Saturn make it spread in the whole world. Many big economies in the world like USA are suffering from the pandemic with huge financial and health setbacks. Many Say China was the first country where Corona originated and took ugly shape but it was able to open its economy first.
You might have heard in news that how the Chinese govt have put withdrawal limit on the cash withdrawal nowadays. People are wondering if China is going for insolvency. Yes, it’s true that dragon who has dealt with the pandemic in most irresponsible manner can go for insolvency. Also,it can face hatred of other countries in many different ways. Let me give you a detailed astrological analysation of China’s chart.
China has Capricorn ascendant with moon in the ascendant. The ascendant lord Saturn is ill-placed in the 8th house of the chart in Leo sign. It is further aspected by 12th Lord Jupiter who is placed in 12th house of losses. Also, Mercury is 6th and 9th lord placed in 9th house making China always prone to diseases. China is going through mercury dasha now. Mercury is placed with Sun and Ketu.Sun is 8th lord in the chart again placed in 9th house whose dasha is operating. As the 6th lord Dasha is going on China may be prone to diseases, debts and enemities from other nations. Also, its conjunction with 8th lord will lead to more catastrophic results.
Also, Ketu is an Avayogi in the chart sitting in 9th house having Yogi point with mercury. The mercury Ketu dasha which is starting in 2022 can lead to insolvency and it can be the time when China became insolvent.
The current time is also not suitable for China as all indications are showing difficulties. Jupiter, the jeevakaraka is most important Planet and it is currently retrograde in its 12th house. This shows various challenges from foreign lands and spike in Covid-19 cases too as Jupiter rules prana. This transit Jupiter will be aspecting the natal Lagna lord and thus, many difficulties in maintaining good self-image might be experienced. This can lead to loss of respect and honor on international front.
The current activities in South china sea indicates that how the world is going against the policies of China and moreover they want it to repay for the financial setbacks caused by COVID-19. There are subtle chances that even the own people of China will start to revolt against their government and China may split in many parts in the coming decade. But for the upcoming two years we have to watch out how china fails altogether on financial front and it will not be able to repay its loans. The stars are showing Insolvency for China.
Disclaimer: Our articles are wholly based on astrological analysis and research done by us. We hereby inform you that results can differ highly as we don’t have accurate birth data to analyze the chart.