Marriage Matching And Mangalik Dosh – The Facts

5 min readMay 16, 2021


There are 12 houses in a horoscope and if Mars is in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th house then is said to be Mangal dosha. So out of 12 houses there are 6 houses where the position of Mars is said to cause Manglik factor. Hence the ratio of Manglik and non-Manglik can be 60 : 40!

Actually Mars is a planet that makes an individual boisterous by nature. It gives tha native a dominating, aggressive and quarrelsome nature. When its aspects are present in the 7th house it brings about a quarrel between the husband and wife. It is planet of over-sex drive also. All these factors amount to a disposition that leaves little room for peace in married life. This notion that if there is a Mangal Dosha in a horoscope then the partner will die, is absolutely non-acceptable. It happens in that case where Mars is heavily afflicted and there are more than 2 afflictions to the 7th house.

According to some astrologers Mars becomes powerless after the age of 28 years. This is one reason why some astrologers ask parents to wait until the completion of 28years for the native who seeks to marry. Logically though, this is nothing but wishful thinking. Mars will show its effect in its period/subperiod.

The best way to reduce the Mars Dosha is to match the horoscope of both partners. Mars in the same position will reduce the Dosha but not certainly nullify it. At most times it is seen if a boy has Mangal Dosha and girl is also having Mangal Dosha in her horoscope then the cancellation of Mangal Dosha is judged without consideration of the houses in which Mars is present. Actually it is observed that the mere presence of the Mangal Dosha in both horoscopes would not reduce the effect of Mangal dosha. Mars should be in the same house of both the partners, e.g., If a boy has Mars in his 4th house then girl should also have the Mars in her 4th house.

The effect of Mars is different in different houses and in different signs.

  • Mars in 1st house makes one bold, aggressive and dominating. The person would be short tempered. He would have nature of tiding over critical periods with tensions. Rash tendency is commonly seen among the persons having Mars in their 1st house.
  • 4th house is the house of comforts and happiness. Besides reducing the factors of 4th house Mars also reduces happiness in marital relation as it aspects the 7th house by its 4th aspect. It causes unrest in the domestic happiness. It may arouse jealousy with brothers/sisters which may be due to wife/husband.
  • In the 7th house the presence of Mars is worse than its aspect. It gives rise to violence in marital life. There would be mismatch in emotional and sexual needs of the partners. In some cases it may also cause inter-caste marriages. there are more than two afflictions then Jupiter would also prove not to be supportive to that extent. It is also said that if Saturn is present in the house of the partner’s horoscope where Mars is present then also it reduces the Mars Dosha. But actually it is also to less extent. If Rahu and Mars are conjunct. If Mars is the owner of the same house i.e., if Mars is placed in Aries or Scorpio Ascendant or if Mars is placed in the signs of Taurus or Cancer in the 7th house.

All these combinations may reduce the affliction to some extent but could not nullify it. Actual reduction of affliction can be done by the factors that:

  1. While matching the compatibilities of the horoscopes has the Mars Factor and Koota Milan; these are not sufficient. 1st the longevity factor of both horoscopes should be considered. If there is no longevity in either charts then it should not be considered even though the horoscopes are matching on other accounts.
  2. The next factor considered in the matching is to consider the strength of Venus as it is the significator of love and marriage life. Similarly the strength of 7th and 8th house should also be considered.
  3. The 3rd factor taken into consideration is sama sandhi, i.e., the dasha of boy and the girl should not be same. If it happens then the boy’s dasha should precede the girl’s dasha. That is why the minimum age difference between a girl and boy should be of 6 months. This sama sandhi dosha can cause misery and separation. If the horoscopes promises a long life and lots of happiness, it should be dispensed with.
  4. The 4th factor is Bal-Balika Dosha. According to this factor – The presence of any malefic planet i.e. Sun, Mars, Rahu-Ketu and Saturn in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th house from Ascendant, Moon and Venus. It is counted in both the horoscopes. The boy’s horoscope should exceed in numbers than the girl’s horoscope.
  5. The 5th factor is Koota Milan in which Gunas are matched on the basis of birth constellation of the boy and the girl. There are gunas means the points which covers aspects of married life. These gunas are: Varna, Vashya, Tara, Yoni, Graha Maitri, Gana Maitri, Rashi, Nadi, Rajju, Mahendra Koota, Stree deergha koota, Vedha koota and Tatwa. Out of these thirteen gunas, the importance is given to the 1st 8t gunas and there are some points assigned to them. The table of points are seen in every panchang or almanac (The book for easy reference to know the astronomical position of stars with respect to Astrology).

The maximum points calculated are 36 in each birth constellation. The minimum points to be matched in the horoscopes are 18. If matching of horoscopes shows 18 to 21 points, then it is considered as medium matching, 21 to 31 is known as to be best matching areas, while 30 and over 30 points matched are considered to be excellent one. There is a catch here, despite a high score, there may be ego clashes between both partners. relations with each other in any form as in position, aspect or conjunction, then it is due to the karma of previous birth they are together by the fate in their current birth. (The 5th house incidentally is the house of the karmas committed in the past life and the 9th house is the fate of this birth).




Written by Gkmastrology

Vedic Astrologer | Vastu Consultant | Strong lineage of learned astrologers for 9 generations. For Astro consultations +91 9966667290 (Whatsapp/Telegram)

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