Mars is leaving the watery sign of Pisces and entering its mooltrikona rashi i.e., Aries. The sign of Pisces is natural 12th house of kaalpurusha and particularly pertain to spirituality and foreign lands. Mars was fallen in this sign as it has retrograded back to this sign and thus giving neutral or bad results. Mars went into deep in the waters of the Pisces to collect precious gems of knowledge and prepare itself for next transit.
Also, mars is a warrior planet. It looks good fighting for the cause in battlefield. However, it forgets its real agenda in Pisces and couldn’t manifest its significations. The sign of Pisces wants it to act like a monk who will go deep in spirituality which is against the actual nature of this fiery planet. This transit actually took the soldier away from reality of life and made him busy searching the truth in a spiritual realm. But once the mars cross this gandanta point, the energies will take a shift and warrior will come back to the battlefield.
So, you might be thinking what can be the effect of this transit in Aries?
Mars is very enterprising in Aries. The straightforward-ness with which Mars carries out in action while transiting Aries is a blessing. Many of us might mistake it as bluntness however, it is an exact way in which a soldier works. The soldier will reap best results here so that king (Sun) can be assisted in best manner. Mars is your fighting spirit and you should understand that you need to fight away diseases, debts, enemies and problems in life. It’s electric current of courage and strength is necessary for fulfilling one’s life purpose.
This transit of mars is very crucial to watch out for several reasons:
1.Mars will again cross the gandanta of Aries- Pisces 3rd time this year. Hence, the energies are very different and complex.
2.Mars is going into mooltrikona rashi and the vibrations will be highest. As, Aries is a fiery sign and mars is a fiery planet, it will lead to fiery results. This can bring lot of positive energy into your career and self.
3.Mars will be out of the aspect of Saturn which it was facing from past few months. Thus, the limitations posed by Saturn will be removed.
4. Mars will be transiting Ashwini nakshatra which is highly preferable for healing. It is believed that medication received with prominent planets in Ashwini reaps good results. So, this phase will be fruitful in getting positive results of COVID-19 vaccination. However, for best results, we need the strength of Jupiter also. But overall Mars transit in Pisces was not favourable for successful vaccination.
5.Saturn- Jupiter will be transiting your 10th house from this Aries transit. So, the mars have all necessary support from the two big giants of the cosmos. This support will definitely help you to reap good results in your life related to career and relationships.
This transit can bring a lot of positive changes in your career and life. People who are unable to fight back life difficulties will find a new lease of energy and motivation. If you want to know, how you can utilise this energy for your welfare, then you you may feel free to reach us at 9966667290 and 8985195822. You can also get your 2021 personalized report by messaging on the same number.