Mars Transit Pisces: More Testing Time Ahead After June 18.!

2 min readJun 18, 2020


Currently, the world is going through a very tough time as COVID-19 has impacted all parts of globe in a worst manner. The cases are consistently rising with no proper cure in sight. Countries are facing huge financial losses due to month long closure of economies and we require complete overhaul.

Currently, an important planetary transit is taking place in cosmos. Mars will enter the watery sign of Pisces on 18th June, 2020.The sign change of mars will put the world in a testing phase with lots of difficulties ahead. Mars will directly aspect the sign of Gemini where Mercury and Rahu are already conjunct. The solar eclipse of June 21,2020 will take place at 6 degree of Gemini which is very near to the Rahu. Mars will be aspecting the eclipse point around 25–30 June which will be a trigger point for many catastrophic events such as natural, un-natural disasters, earthquakes, cyclones and terrorism.

Also, Saturn will be aspecting this mars with its 3rd aspect which make the mars too venomous. America may become a hotbed for active protests and trump will face huge opposition from the blacks. India will experience more than normal rains and this can lead to floods in central & coastal parts. China may enter into conflict with other countries mainly USA and India. There may be relapse of Virus. Also, it is said that when mars is in Pisces, it is good for rains in India.

But this time due to afflicted mars, the central part of India might receive heavy rains which can cause flood like situations. The solar eclipse is taking over natal mars at 7 degree therefore the upcoming time is very crucial for India as it may face terror attacks and short brawls with foreign country. But be assured that any confrontation with China will be favorable for India due to powerful transit chart.




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