Rahu and Ketu – A Vedic study

There are several legends about Rahu and Ketu in the case of other celestial bodies. We do not find the names of Rahu and Ketu in the most ancient scriptures. Only seven planets are mentioned in the scriptures.
The name of Rahu, first appears in ‘Mahabharata’. In astronomy, Rahu is considered the dragon’s head and is also known as the north node of Moon. Ketu is known as dragon’s tail, which gives birth to comets and meteors and is known as the south pole of Moon. These two are called ‘Chaya Grahas’ meaning shadow planets. They do not rule any zodiac sign and are not characterised as male or female.
A solar eclipse occurs when Sun, Moon and Rahu or Ketu fall in the same zodiacal longitude. While Rahu is responsible for a solar eclipse, Ketu is for lunar eclipse. The ancient sages have given very accurate calculations about the eclipses and they have not taken any folk tale or legend in their calculations. Astronomically, the exact information is given in Brahatsamhita of Varahamihira about eclipses.
Though Rahu and Ketu are ‘Chaya Grahas’ they have also been assigned certain significations and charectaristics in Astrology. No Lordship has been given to Rahu and Ketu, but certain signs have been considered as their own house, Moolashektra and exaltation. However this allotment is described, with slight variations , by different authorities, and it is advisable to follow one’s own favourite authority.
Both, Rahu and Ketu are extremely malefic planets. Rahu is treated similar to Saturn while Ketu to Mars. Ketu is a fiery planet like Mars and Sun. Rahu is signified as Pithamaha ( father’s father) while Ketu is signified as ‘Mathamaha’ (father’s mother).
Rahu gives a low class mind signifying cruelty. It also governs all sorts of poisonous chemicals. There is no equivalent to Rahu in giving sudden luck in gambling. It also represents diplomacy, cheating, belting, gambling, speculation, lottery, mining, chemicals and sudden success without much effort. A well placed Rahu can make the native wealthy, powerful and well connected in society. An ill placed Rahu can create mental tensions, poverty, loss of honour and prestige.
Rahu Kaal:
In Indian astrology each day of the week has been assigned to the ruling planet but Rahu and Ketu are given only one and half hour time in a day in which they cast their malefic influence. It is called ‘Rahu Kaal ‘. One should avoid auspicious work like starting a new business, buying some things, journeys and attending interviews during this time.
Rahu can cause scabies, strong food poisoning, deformation of hand, foot and eye, leprosy and skin diseases. Dental deformation, drowning suicides, hiccups, palpitation, rheumatism and epilepsy are also caused by Rahu. Ketu can cause infections from insects like worms, lice, wounds etc.
Feeding the ants is considered one way to propitiate Rahu. The gem stone related to Rahu is hessonite and it rules the number 4.
Articles for donation:
Musturd, radish, coal, sesame should be donated on Saturday morning to ward off the evils of Rahu.
Beej Mantra: Om braam breem braum saha rahave namaha’.
Ved Vyaas Mantra: “ Ardha kaayam maha veryam chandraditya vimardshanam, simhika garba sambootham tam rahum pranamamyaham”.
Gayathri Mantra: “ Om nagadwajaya vidmahe padma hastaya dheemahi thanno rahu prachodayat”. Reciting above Mantras with faith, devotion and sincerity will help to ward off the evils of Rahu during the Dasha and Antardasha of Rahu. One can also worship lord Shiva for this.