Sanatan Dharma — A religion based on science
Ancient India, the land of Vedas and Upanishads. The land of culture, traditions, purity of thoughts and a religion that is based on science. Fasting, celebrations, festivals, even our daily routine is based on science. Let me point a few things that we follow that are considered religious but are based on science. Our sages entwined science into religion in such a way that a common man can follow scientific rules to stay healthy.
Main entrance decorated with Mango, Neem and Ashoka leaves that were put to purify the air. It served two purposes, decoration and purification. A normal daily ritual that was based on science.
7 Pheras:
Taking 7 pheras around the holy fire in marriage. A circle of 360 degrees that can remain undivided only by number seven. It is a gesture to ensure their bond remains undivided. Here, the rule of mathematics used in a ritual.
One of the most scientific traditions. Our sages knew the benefits of fasting in certain ways on certain days, so they propounded the concept of fasting based on religion. Fasting reduces the acidic contents in the body, lowers cholesterol, our body pushes out toxic contents. Researchers have found that fasting reduces the chances of heart disease, cancer, improves the immune system and helps the body in fighting with many more diseases. Now modern science has accepted the benefits of fasting.
Another scientific marvel made into a religious gesture in Sanatan Dharma. When we join hands to do Namaskar, our fingertips touch each other. Pressure points on the fingertips are linked to ears, eyes and the brain, when activated by pressing, ensures that we remember the person for a very long time.
Read more about Namaskar or Anjani Mudra in my article here:
Peepal Tree (Sacred Fig, or Ficus Religiosa):
Vedas called it Ashvatta. Lord Krishna compared himself with Peepal tree. Atharva Veda calls it an elixir. Peepal tree is one of the very few trees that produce oxygen even at night. Every part of this tree is useful for humans and nature. Its bark, leaves, everything is beneficial for humans. When in direct sunlight, this tree produces Ozone. In short, benefits of Peepal tree are almost unlimited. May that is the reason our sages related it to religion and asked us to preserve it. Haven’t you heard cutting down a Peepal tree is not allowed, or if you have to cut one down, you have to plant eleven Peepal tree? You may read more about Peepal tree in my article here: and
Deepak (Earthen Lamp):
Lighting Diya is considered auspicious in every occasion. In temples or inside the home, we light Diya to worship. Scientifically speaking, when we use cotton thread and Ghee/Oil, it kills bacteria in its surroundings and fills the home with positive energy. Read more about Diya in my article here:
Cow Urine:
For some it is absurd, and for some, it is in the religion, but scientifically speaking, cow urine indeed cures various illnesses like balancing bile, mucous, and air in the body, negates the effect of poison, and it also unclogs coronary arteries. You see, it’s again science in the religion. Last I heard people have applied for a patent with US administration.
Bells in Temples:
Bells produce such a distinct sound that harmonises your left and right brain. Upon ringing, it produces a sound vibration that echoes for long enough to reach seven healing centres in your body.
Remember your elders used to sprinkle turmeric mixed water in the home during puja? Well, now we know turmeric has antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory and many other qualities. It improves your immune system, cures any infection in your body, and heals a wound faster.
Ear Piercing:
Ear piercing is part of acupuncture treatment. The point in ear lobe where the piercing is done is a pressure point when punctured; it improves the function and capacity of the brain. In some cases, it is also known to help in Asthma condition.
Leaf Plates:
As a custom, we have been eating in leaf plates for very long. It is the best possible way a human can eat most hygienically and save the environment as well. Leaf plates are biodegradable and do not require any chemical-based cleaning agent as it’s not reused.
Married females in our culture use Kumkum on the forehead. It is included in custom but the reason behind it is, Kumkum keeps the forehead calm.
Vedic mantras are ancient Hindu practice and every mantra has a unique and distinct frequency vibration when pronounced properly. Chanting or listening mantras said to cure many physical ailments in the human body and helps in better concentration.
21st of June. Correct. International Yoga Day. One of the most important discoveries of our sages. There is no better way to heal your body and mind than Yoga. Benefits of Yoga are endless. From a flexible healthy body to stress-free mind. From Sun Salutation to Pranayam. Very scientific practice handed over to us as custom.
Eating with Hands:
Might be considered bad by some people but when you eat with your hands, your saliva glands are more active and give you a more healthy stomach and better digestion also food tastes better when you eat with your hands.
As a cultural practice, Hindus put Tilak on the forehead between the eyes. It is done to keep the mind calm and the place is right in front of the pituitary gland.
Idols in Temples:
Ancient temples were not built randomly but at the places where the earth’s magnetic field is stronger. The Idol is placed at the place where the magnetic field is most strong. The worshipper derives maximum benefit by visiting ‘Garbh-Griha’ where the magnetic field harmonises the body and the mind.
Tulsi (Basil) Leaves:
Remember your mother used to put Tulsi leaves in every food item? She might not know the reason behind it but did it anyway because she saw her elders doing it. Tulsi is an excellent anti-bacterial plant and improves your immune system.
Chanting of mantras with lighting wood along with other holy items purifies the surroundings, kills bacteria and it is very good for the environment.
Almost every Hindu knows the sound of Conch. As a ritual during Puja conch sound is very common. Sound waves from a conch kill bacteria, germs and adversely affects mosquito breeding.
Hanuman Chalisa:
When the western world was debating whether the earth is round or flat and whether the sun rotates around the earth, our sages were calculating and writing the distance between the sun and earth, that too very accurately. It’s given in Hanuman Chalisa.
The ultimate truth, the power station of the whole universe. We consider OM to be very pure and sacred and we chant it whenever we can. Regular chanting of OM reduces your heartbeat, cures thyroid problems and gives you alertness with a relaxed mind.
Cremation by fire is the most eco-friendly way to dispose of a body. There is no increased need for vacant land. The human body is made of five elements and by cremating, all those elements are returned to the origin.