Well you might have use horoscope only for predicting future possibilities for yourself. But do you know that fortunes of a country can also be seen with the help of its horoscope. India was declared an independent country on 15th august,1947 at 12:01 am. So, its horoscope is drawn according this date and time.
India has Taurus ascendant and Saturn is going to its 9th house now. We know that Saturn is yoga karaka planet for Taurus ascendant (very auspicious and good). As Saturn is transiting its own house Capricorn, this is the time for structural changes and major transformations for India. Saturn in Capricorn will lead to introduction of right law and put everything in order. All corrupt politicians and businessman will get exposed during this time. As Capricorn is an earthy sign, the real estate activity will be on all-time high. Also you can see rise in other related activities such as coal mining etc.
On a positive note, a series of strong measures will be taken in order to combat the economic stress too. Last time when Saturn entered Capricorn Narsimha Rao govt. with the then finance minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh introduced economic reforms which started a new era altogether in India. We hope that these 3 years give much needed structure to India and our country become golden sparrow again.