Shri Krishna — The Complete Man : The 16 Kalas

“Agnirjyotirah Shukla Shanmasa Uttarayanam
Tatra Prayata Gachhanti Brahm Brahmavido Janaah”
Shri Krishna says, the yogis who leave the body in six months of Uttarayan, Agni, Jyoti, Day, Shukla Paksha, means men and yogis in whom the self-knowledge becomes the light, they become fiery like daylight, luminous like moonlight of full moon, ultimate luminous of six months of Uttarayan due to the knowledge. That is, those who become enlightened. Self-knowledge means knowing oneself or recognising oneself apart from the mortal body.
Shri Krishna is the only Complete Man adorned with 16 Kalas.
Let’s discuss what these Kalas are.
Every human has these five basic Kalas.
1. Annamayaa
2. Pranamayaa
3. Manomayaa
4. Vigyanamayaa
5. Anandmayaa
With meditation and effort, one can attain 3 more Kalas.
6. Atishayini
7. Viparinabhimi
8. Sankramini
One becomes enlightened after getting these 8 Kalas.
The remaining 8 Kalas are,
9. Prabhvi
10. Kunthini
11. Vikasini
12. Maryadini
13. Sanhaladini
14. Ahladini
15. Paripurna
16. Swarupavasthit
Some scriptures also name these as 16 Kalas.
1.Shri 2. Bhoo 3. Kirti 4. ila 5. Leela 6. Kanti 7. Vidya 8. Vimla 9. Utkarshini 10. Gyan 11. Kriya 12. Yoga 13. Prahavi 14. Satya 15. Isna 16. Anugrah
Sage Sandipani imparted the knowledge of these 16 Kalas to Shri Krishna.
Let’s see what these 16 Kalas mean or does:
1. Determination of intelligence.
2. One remembers his previous births.
3. One is no longer anxious.
4. The ego is destroyed.
5. The oath and options no longer exist. There is a sense of true-self.
6. There is complete control over the ether element. Every word said becomes true.
7. Air element gets under complete control. One can heal anyone just by touch.
8. Complete control of fire element. Mere sight can hold the power of welfare of others.
9. Complete control over the water element. Water gives a path. River, sea or any water body is longer a barrier.
10. The earth element gets under complete control. The fragrance comes from the body and sleep, hunger and thirst are no longer a necessity.
11. Control over birth, death, and situation.
12. All dimensions are under control, subconscious works at will.
13. Control over time. Body ageing stops or happens at will.
14. One becomes omnipotent. One can appear in many forms simultaneously, experiences completeness and perfection. One can resolve public welfare.
15. Causes have a reason. This is a latent state.
16. Takes birth as an incarnation with all the divinity according to his wish. One spreads his divinity like the light of Uttarayana.
Celebrate Janmashtami with all the enthusiasm and reverence that you can muster.
The author is a devout international celebrity astrologer, Vastu consultant, numerologist, Vedic musical marriage performer and loves to write on the subjects close to his heart. You may reach him at 99666 67290.