A solar eclipse is a powerful phenomenon which can impact your life and surroundings in great extent according to astrology. A powerful solar eclipse will take place on June 10 with sun, moon, rahu and retrograde mercury in Taurus. This combination of planets is majorly taking place in Mrigashira nakshatra whose nakshatra lord is mars. The interesting fact is that mars will be debilitated in cancer and facing affliction from retrograde Saturn which is very powerful in Capricorn. The debility of mars is not good and shows lack of activity, passive aggression, violence among nations etc.People might feel dis-satisfied and deception will be the key word with Rahu joining the stellium in Taurus. There might be new revelations in politics which can stir the nations. Politicians should be extra-alert and perform suitable remedies for the same.Mrigashira is the planet of search and when your thought process become haywire,the search becomes meaningless with no results.So,you need to beware of running after things and not settling for one in any particular area of your life which is impacted by this ascendant.
Lets see a snapshot of the eclipse details.
Date: June 10,2021
Time: 01:pm to 6:41 pm IST
Places: Much of Europe, much of Asia, North Africa, West Africa, much of North America, Atlantic and Arctic
The eclipse is not visible in India. However,solar eclipses are too powerful and always leave a strong impression regardless of the fact if they are visible or not.
Here are the ascendant/moon-sign wise details for the eclipse.The eclipse will strongly impact some particular areas and the affects can be felt upto 4–6 months after the eclipse.
The eclipse is taking place in 2nd house of chart with retrograde mercury forming conjunction with sun and Rahu.Your thought process will be quite haywire which will create obstructions in life. You need to channelize your energies for good results. As lagna lord is debilitated, there will be some health related issues too. Doing meditation and synchronizing thoughts can help in planning for finances as 5th lord is placed in 2nd house.
The eclipse is taking place in your lagna itself putting a large impact on your physical well being. Your 2nd and 5th. lord are retrograde stressing on having clear mind which can help you take good decisions. Otherwise confusions can lead to loss of income. Mars,the nakshatra lord for this eclipse is debilitated in 3rd house emphasizing the need to think about self rather than relationships. The 7th aspect of retrograde Saturn on Mars wants you to listen to the elderly people around you. You need to work under their guidance and repetitively (retrograde Saturn) perform the tasks in order to attain perfection.
The eclipse is taking place in 12th house with lagna lord mercury in exchange with 12th lord Venus who is sitting in Lagna.The major themes of 12th house are spiritual enlightenment, donations and meditation. Your mind will move towards an endless search of reality with the eclipse in Mrigashara Nakshatra.Venus on lagna will make you feel conscious about your beauty.
The eclipse is taking place in your 11th house which is also a badhaka.You may struggle with emotional health as lagna lord moon is afflicted. Financial issues will also come up as 8th lord Saturn is currently aspecting your lagna.You may also take up debts to ease your financial position.
The lagna lord Sun with mercury (2nd and 11th houses) is under affliction due to this eclipse. It is a good time to donate to needy and let go away past memories which are hindering your way. Mercury in 10th house will make you search (Mrigashira energy) for better avenues in career. There is prompt need to increase you focus in a particular field rather than just move like a hopping monkey. As yogakaraka mars is debilitated in 12th house,meditation and donation is of utmost important.Work hard to get desired results.
The lagna. and 10th lord Mercury is in 9th house with 11th and 12th lord. It shows your quest for money and expanding your horizons through profession. One may desire higher authority and status in society during this time.However,you may feel directionless if your thoughts are scattered then you might not achieve anything.
The eclipse is taking place in 8th house whereas lagna lord Venus is placed in 9th house. The placement of Lagna Lord in 9th house is a relief however 9th lord placed in 8th house is again an obstruction. Your overall viewpoint and inferences may change during this time.You may make changes in your religious routine .e. how you do bhakti or preach God. If you undertake things one by one with patience and firmness, you will achieve success. But take care of your health as 8th house is too activated.
The eclipse is taking place in your 1–7 axis and lagna lord mars is debilitated in 9th house of blessings and past good karma. As retrograde Saturn is aspecting Mars, you might feel that there is lack of good fortune in life. You might think that past karma is giving you difficulties in life.Here,I just tell you that these thoughts are only due to energy flux in the universe. Don’t react and take immediate decisions rather go slow and take decisions wisely. The retrograde 8th lord is placed in 7th might make you fall for people too early .You should make your choices wisely after contemplation.
The eclipse is happening in your 6th house. The 2nd lord Saturn is retrograde and aspecting 8th house and Mars. Think before you take any decision for your children especially for their finances as it might take a toll on you later if it doesn’t work well. You should also think twice about making decisions on finances and debts as 6th house is under affliction and retrograde Saturn in 2nd house wants you to go slow.
The eclipse is taking place in your 5th house impacting your education, finances ,speculative activities etc.Rahu,the illusionary planet in 5th house may urge you to speculate more for higher gains.However,you should know your boundaries. There might be some health issues during this time. Your 4th lord signifying internal happiness is debilitated and receiving aspect from retrograde Saturn. There might be some hiccups at home. Put more efforts to achieve success.
The 3rd and 10th lord is debilitated with retrograde lagna lord in 12th clearly giving message to not make changes on work sphere. The yoga karaka Venus in 5th house brings much needed relief in this phase with blessings all along the way. Selfless service to poor and giving donations will be beneficial.
Your 2nd and 9th lord is debilitated in 5th house which might make your irritating at times as Saturn is also aspecting the same. You need to be patient and polite with others. Your 3rd house is impacted due to the conflicts and 6th lord in 3rd house will actually make you pick up fights easily.Sun is a fierce planet and can make you quite egoistic at times.Its better to calm down as it’s the eclipse energy which is haunting you.Jupiter is in 12th house signaling that deep meditation and spirituality can actually make you delighted and manage this energy flux.
If you have any queries related to the solar eclipse, persona Eclipse effect, upcoming transits report, questions on career and relationship, health issues causing obstructions, then do contact us.You can whatsapp us at 9966667290 and 8985195822.