The future of. West Bengal Government: Astro insights on swearing in ceremony
Mamta Banerjee took oath on 5th may under Cancer Lagna and Satabisha nakshatra. The oath timings does not resonate well with our astrological muhurta prescription list. There are too many flaws and the ongoing violence may be just a small trailer of the upcoming events.
First of all, the tithi chosen is navami (9) i.e Rikta tithi and the lagna chosen is cancer lagna which is a cardinal sign and hence the stability of govt is questionable. According to astrological text, the swearing in ceremony should be undertaken during fixed (Sthir Lagna) muhurta I.e. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. The lagna lord moon is placed in 8th house which represents underground and secretive things. No doubt, corruption and illegal activities may be at peak during this tenure. Moon as a lagna lord placed in marana karaka sthana(8th house) severely afflicts the chart of the ruling party. Moon is placed with 6th and 9th lord Jupiter.The placement of 9th lord in 8th house (12 places away) shows loss of bhagya And as Jupiter is 6th lord too, it’s association with lagna lord symbolizes continuous fights with enemies and issues in daily working of government. Also,the moon was transiting satabhisha nakshatra which is lorded by Rahu who creates illusion and obstructions in the path.
Going further, we analyze the role of opposition in the government. The 7th house represents opposition in the chart. Here,Saturn the lord of 7th house being swagrahi is strong placed here. Saturn is the planet of masses and it has directional strength in the 7th house. This makes the opposition extra-ordinarily strong in the chart. The current govt. may always face threat from the opposition. The ruling may try to defeat its enemies by violence as Mars in 12th house is aspecting 6th house. Mars is in Ardra Nakshatra which will bring lot of misery on account of violence. Mars is also aspecting Saturn with its 8th aspect which is again an adverse indicator of violent battles fought with the workers of opposition party.
Overall, it’s difficult to say that the government will fulfill its term(5 years) !