Understanding The 12 Houses Of Horoscope

2 min readSep 14, 2020

1st House -

Ascendant. depicts important aspects of your life; first impressions, personality, appearance, temperament, ego, new beginnings and outlook towards life. House of Self, has impact on health issues.

2nd House-

Rules core values and covers, material and physical world. House of possessions, represents how well we manage finances, how you value and earn money and self-esteem.

3rd House-

House of communication, rules all communication: thinking, talking, deals with everything related to modern technology for communication. Deals with everyday activities and surrounding environment like local travel, schools, neighborhood etc.

4th House-

House of Home, home environment, parents especially mother, impact of mother in childhood, develop a sense of security in your private place.

5th House-

House of creativity and pleasure, having fun. Governs self-expression, leisure pursuits, drama, love affairs, everything which includes fun/ play.

6th House-

House of health and service, depicts fitness, diet, illnesses, hygiene, helpfulness and service to others inc animals, employees, daily routine, debts.

7th House-

House of partnerships, the descendant is the domain for serious relationships and other people. Not to be confused with just romantic relationships, it even governs business partnerships, business deals, contracts etc.

8th House-

House of sexuality, death and rebirth. Represents sex, intimacy in relationships, deals with death and reincarnation. Death sometimes can be just symbolic other than the obvious; the passing of someone. Governs gifts and money through inheritance or investments.

9th House-

House of philosophy and travel, high learning. It dominates the higher mind, development of mind and expansion of horizons. Includes understanding of spiritual learning, ethics and morals, foreign languages, luck, risk, adventure and long distance or international travel.

10th House-

House of career and everything related to it, including how to focus and choose the right career path, long term career goals, accolades, recognition that you receive. Represents father and how he has influenced you throughout your childhood. Getting things done.

11th House-

House of friendships dominates friendships, people who love and protect you. Represents your hopes, aspirations and ability to remain happy. This house describes roles you undertake throughout your lifetime be it as a husband, partner, wife, friend or a businessman. It also rules eccentricity, sudden events, surprises, invention, originality and anything futuristic.

12th House-

House of self undoing and karma. Rules endings, is dark and secretive. Matters related to the psyche, prisons, hospitals are all a representation of confinement towards the unknown. Although it rules creativity and imagination its a house in which one can drown in self-indulgence leading to substance abuse. But after a period of suffering positive things like enlightenment, motivation, healing can also be found here. Loss, isolation, ashram.

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