One day, Lord Vishnu and lord brahma got into an argument that who is best God in the universe. According to lord brahma, he has created the universe and thus he should have privilege of being best. On other hand, Lord Vishnu said that he is preserver of the universe and therefore he is more dominant.
As they were fighting battle for proving supremacy through words,a lingam in form of light emitted from the earth.It was extending higher and higher with no end.They both tried to find out its beginning and end.Then they settled for a bet that whosever will be successful in discovering its either end will win the battle of supremacy.
Brahma changed into swan and flew high for finding end. Lord Vishnu delve deeper into earth for finding its end.Both of them didn’t succeeded. Lord Brahma resorted to lie that he actually found the end.
Listening to his lie,Lord Shiva completely in anger approached from Lingam. He disclosed Lord Brahma’s lie and cursed him that he will not be worshipped by people. and no temple will be manufactured in his praise on earth. On the other hand, he gave a blessing to Vishnu that he will be honoured and prayed by all living beings and structures will be constructed to offer devotion to him. Both Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu bowed in front of greatest of all God’s in universe i.e. Lord Shiva.
Mahashivratri is the great night of Shiva.It is best day for seeking blessings from the greatest God of universe. Rudrabhishek or Shivratri Puja is best way to show devotion to Mahadev and his consort Parvati. Married and unmarried ladies can solve their relationship issues by performing shivratri puja and praying to Ma Parvati. Doing rudrabhishek or shivaratri puja with proper vidhi and mantras is recommended for gaining positive fruits. You can book us for shivratri puja in Hyderabad and secunderabad.
Also,if you are at some outstation location and unable to perform the puja, we can take the responsibility on your behalf. The Puja will be performed with full devotion and your name & gotra will be recited so that the ultimate benefit goes to you. Contact us for bookings at 9966667290, 8985195823.